I designed  a Centaur Costume for Halloween 2013 and at the same time I wanted to include the costume in my portfolio so I hired  Stella Sensei who is A Fabulous make up artist to  do my Centaur make up. Stella was a Top 5 in the  Face off competition show on Sci-Fi channel. I also Hired Alberto Imanagua who is a Photographer to  document the process in a video and  to take pictures for my blog .For this project I let my beard to grow longer than usual so I could blend in the fake long beard into mine. I couldn’t be more happy with the final product of my project. Enjoy the images.

 The Gay Games 2014

The Pink Pong organization of New York asked me if I wanted to make their costume for their participation at the Gay Games that were going to take place on August 16, 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio. The idea was to recreate the ping pong paddle so the model could wear it as a symbol of their organization at the opening of the Gay Games and in each game. The arrangements were made a year prior to the games so I had plenty of time to make it. This ping pong team has won  8 medals in 2010 at the Cologne, Germany Gay Games in 2010 in the doubles recreational division. Here are some images of the process of making it….



Coyolxauhqui:  The Aztec Moon Goddess

In 2013  I designed a fantasy costume  for a short film inspired in the Mythological Aztec Goddess: Coyolxauhqui. I wanted to show you part  of the costume’s pieces construction and behind the scenes. Here is the final result.



